Tuesday, 19 March 2024
Questions without notice and ministers statements
TAFE funding
TAFE funding
Evan MULHOLLAND (Northern Metropolitan) (13:57): (467) My question is to the Minister for Skills and TAFE. Victorian TAFEs have been the worst funded in the country for almost a decade. While class sizes have increased, student learning time has been cut from courses and teacher preparation time has been reduced, conditions the Productivity Commission marks down as inefficient. What does the government plan to do to increase the efficiency in vocational education and training?
Gayle TIERNEY (Western Victoria – Minister for Skills and TAFE, Minister for Regional Development) (13:57): Again, I refute what has been alleged on a number of levels in the question, but in terms of what this government has been doing in relation to building a skills and training system in this state, which was left in ruin by the previous government, is for everyone to see. What we have been able to do is invest in capital. There is hardly a TAFE campus right across this state that has not been rebuilt or significantly refurbished. We have also of course hired significant numbers of TAFE teachers – the TAFEs have done that – as opposed to what those opposite did, where they sacked over 2000 teachers.
We have also made sure that what is being taught is a lot more relevant to students, and teachers are reaping the benefit of that too because they can see the relevance of their professionalism at work every day. We are making sure that we have got a very effective system that delivers the skills that are required in the labour market. We are making sure that teachers are assured that the TAFE system will continue to be effective, and of course we have the election commitment that 70Â per cent of government funding will be directed towards the TAFE system. This is a government that is very serious about the structure and the system of a skills system in this state that delivers the skills that are required not just for the economy but for the individual and provides individuals with qualifications that act as a passport for jobs and careers into their future. We are really, really proud of what we have been able to do. I think it is just another case, getting all these questions, that they have not given up their agenda. They continue to despise TAFE, and they are not interested in vocational education and training in this state.
Evan MULHOLLAND (Northern Metropolitan) (13:59): Will the minister for TAFE ensure that student learning time, teacher preparation time and appropriate class sizes are restored in TAFE courses?
Gayle TIERNEY (Western Victoria – Minister for Skills and TAFE, Minister for Regional Development) (14:00): Well, I am certainly not going to restore it to the level it was when those opposite were in government. What we are about is making sure that we have got good, fair, healthy workplaces where people are contributing in terms of the delivery of their skills and their intellect and that the education that is delivered is of a very high standard. We will continue to do that. It is in our DNA. It is certainly not in the DNA of those opposite.