Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Constituency questions

Northern Victoria Region

Northern Victoria Region

Wendy LOVELL (Northern Victoria) (14:18): (753) My question is for the Minister for Community Sport. Minister, netball players at the Kyneton Football Netball Club have no dedicated change facilities and are currently forced to change in a sheep shed that has mould on the walls, has no showers and is infested with rats. A master plan for the redevelopment of the facilities at the Kyneton showgrounds has been adopted by the Macedon Ranges council, but I am informed that unfortunately an objection has been lodged with VCAT. Minister, even if VCAT rules in favour of the master plan, that will not assist the netballers this season, and it is possible that the redevelopment could be several seasons away from completion. Poor change facilities are often a barrier to young females’ participation in sport, and we must do everything we can to encourage their involvement. Minister, will you provide funding for a temporary portable change facility that will service the netballers until the redevelopment is completed and that could be then used to assist other clubs as they work towards the redevelopment of their own change facilities?