Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Constituency questions

Western Victoria Region

Western Victoria Region

Joe McCRACKEN (Western Victoria) (14:15): (750) My constituency matter is for the attention of the Treasurer, and it is on behalf of a resident who lives in Linton in my electorate. My constituent raised with me a concern they got with a land tax notice recently. In essence, they have got a property and the property is split into two titles: one title is essentially the house and the other is essentially the garden. They have received a land tax bill of nearly $1000 just to have a garden. It seems completely bizarre, but that is the truth of the matter: my constituent is being taxed to have a garden. My question to the Treasurer is: I ask the Treasurer to review these arrangements to ensure that these sorts of matters are not caught up in land tax, so that we can have a fair and equitable system for all and so that people are not charged tax just for having a garden or any other sort of ancillary item adjacent to their property.