Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Constituency questions

Southern Metropolitan Region


Southern Metropolitan Region

Georgie CROZIER (Southern Metropolitan) (14:11): (746) My question is to the Minister for Planning. It is in relation to the Barak Road housing project. Last week I met with residents in Barak Road. They live next to the site of the redevelopment of the Barak Beacon estate – part of the government’s Big Housing Build. They conveyed a number of concerns about the handling of this project, highlighting a lack of consultation with them, including in relation to density and height limits. They have pointed out that these towers are very large and will be quite significant in that area. They also referred to the removal of trees, the provision of playgrounds and recreation spaces and the traffic flow and pedestrian safety, and they fear the loss of amenity of the neighbourhood as well as the impact on the heritage status of their homes – they have a heritage overlay with which they have to comply. Residents have described walking past the site when workers in hazmat suits were spraying water to settle asbestos dust as a result of the demolition works only last week. This project will have a significant impact on the local neighbourhood, and locals’ feedback has not been considered. So I ask the minister to meet with the local residents of Barak Road as a matter of urgency.