Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Constituency questions

Western Victoria Region

Western Victoria Region

Bev McARTHUR (Western Victoria) (14:17): (752) My question is for the Minister for Environment and concerns his appalling decision to abolish control of wild dogs and dingoes in north-western Victoria. My constituents, especially in the wool-producing heartland of the south-west, are shocked. This retrograde choice will take us back to the bad old days of savage attacks, huge stock losses and financial and mental anguish for the farmers, who just want to protect and raise their sheep. How short are our memories? Wild dog control programs were introduced little more than a decade ago in response to truly traumatic circumstances. It is despicable this decision was taken without consulting farmers whose livelihoods depend on their animals. Minister, will you release the research underpinning this decision, tell us who sits on the unprotection review panel and assure my constituents that this desperate stupidity will be extended no further?