Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Constituency questions

Northern Victoria Region

Northern Victoria Region

Gaelle BROAD (Northern Victoria) (13:10): (1147) My question is to the Minister for Health. I am concerned about massive budget cuts to Bendigo Health Care Group of $120 million, which recently led their management to write to all staff notifying them of redeployments and redundancies. I have seen up to 10 ambulances ramped outside Bendigo Hospital, and earlier this year they called code yellow emergency days as their services were overwhelmed. Local pharmacies play an important role in reducing the pressure on hospital services, yet on 30 September the state government also cut all supercare nursing services in Victorian pharmacies, including UFS pharmacy in View Street, Bendigo. I received a letter from a constituent, and I know many people who are keen to see this service reinstated, as it was very effective in looking after minor medical issues and relieved the pressure on the casualty department at the hospital. Can the minister please advise what action is being taken to continue this service and ensure that residents of central and northern Victoria are able to access healthcare services when they need them?