Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Members statements

Country Fire Authority Newborough brigade

Country Fire Authority Newborough brigade

Melina BATH (Eastern Victoria) (14:20): It is CFA brigade recognition time of year, and many of our country towns are celebrating the great work that our volunteers do. Last week I had the pleasure of attending the Newborough brigade’s annual awards, and I was delighted when Captain Adam Watt received his recognition for attending over 1000 call-outs in his volunteer career. Anticipating their long-awaited new home in a new location in Newborough, Adam and Hugh Falls showed me the cardboard mock-up of this new station. They have been waiting for over five years since the funding was acknowledged, and hopefully it will be delivered next year. The service awards were fantastic. There was 10 years for Daniel Soles and Cameron Ball, celebrated and recognised for their work; 15 years for Nathan Kemp; and 25 years for the fabulous Kieran Kenneth, who received his service award. The firefighter of the year was Hayden Fletcher, the encouragement award went to Eddie Gill, and a special award that I cannot mention was for Natasha Kenter, who is a tremendous person in the brigade.