Tuesday, 15 October 2024


Beleura cliff path

Beleura cliff path

Renee HEATH (Eastern Victoria) (18:33): (1170) My adjournment is for the Minister for Water. 102 years ago the Beleura cliff path was first cut with a pick and shovel in 1922, and it has been used as a public path for the many decades since. However, in October 2022 – exactly two years ago – the Beleura cliff path was closed as a result of damage caused by two landslips. Locals are concerned that the path may never be reopened, and they are devastated about the loss of this important piece of history. They say that aside from those two areas the path is safe and it is in great condition. Council has identified inadequate drainage as a cause of the landslips and has also raised concerns that excessive water use by some of the neighbouring properties is causing further damage, yet the council states that it has not been able to access the relevant information to work with the property owners due to privacy rules around water use. So, Minister, the action I seek is for you and the state government to review the privacy rules and their unintended consequences for this historical landmark.