Tuesday, 15 October 2024



Harriet SHING, Georgie PURCELL


Harriet SHING (Eastern Victoria – Minister for Housing, Minister for Water, Minister for Equality) (19:09): What a cornucopia of content we have heard here tonight. There were 16 matters for the adjournment, and they will be referred to the relevant ministers. There were two matters raised for my attention in relation to water and housing.

Housing as it relates to the matter that Dr Ratnam has raised tonight is something which I would have been prepared and very happy to provide an answer on, but as Dr Ratnam has left the chamber I think that it is actually more appropriate that an answer be provided in writing in accordance with the standards that apply as a matter of courtesy for people to remain until such time as an answer is given.

Dr Heath, thank you for being here to the extent necessary to hear the answer on the access to information around privacy changes and the privacy laws as they apply to water on the Mornington Peninsula. This is a matter which may well sit alongside the privacy laws and the way in which they operate, so to that end I am very happy to provide you with any information that I can. The claim around drainage and water over land issues and the extent to which that may have caused damage is something that we can look into, and I am very happy to assist you to the extent that we possibly can, but the broader issue as it relates to what I think you may have proposed, which are amendments to the privacy laws, would most appropriately sit within the remit of the Attorney-General. What I can do, Dr Heath, is perhaps take that one on notice and otherwise engage with you perhaps offline on the matters raised around the monument and drainage and interface areas there.

Otherwise, there were 16 matters and they will be referred to the relevant ministers for response in accordance with the standing orders.

Georgie PURCELL (Northern Victoria) (19:11): I have unanswered adjournment matters that I would like to seek an explanation from the relevant ministers on. I raise the fact that these answers are overdue with the relevant ministers’ offices as per standing order 4.14. I ask that the Attorney-General provide an explanation in relation to adjournment matters 1016 and 899.

Harriet SHING (Eastern Victoria – Minister for Housing, Minister for Water, Minister for Equality) (19:11): I am very happy to look into that, Ms Purcell, to see what information and/or response can be provided to you.