Tuesday, 15 October 2024


Health services

Health services

Wendy LOVELL (Northern Victoria) presented a petition bearing 1298 signatures:

The Petition of certain citizens of the State of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council the concern that –

1. the Health Services Plan developed on advice from an Expert Advisory Committee, will result in the forced amalgamation of health services in Seymour;

2. Government budget cuts to healthcare will put at risk our Seymour Memorial Hospital and accompanying allied Health Care Services; and

3. Our rural community will face many more challenges if we lose our acute and urgent care services, and further that any amalgamation would lead to the eventual closure of our local Hospital.

The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Council call on the Government to release the advice of the Expert Advisory Committee, conduct genuine public consultation about any proposed Health Services Plan, consider the community’s desire that the board of directors’ responsibilities remain local and that no amalgamation of Seymour Memorial Hospital and its allied Health Care services takes place.

Wendy LOVELL: I move:

That the petition be taken into consideration on the next day of meeting.

Motion agreed to.