Wednesday, 5 February 2025


Silverleaves Beach, Cowes


Silverleaves Beach, Cowes

Melina BATH (Eastern Victoria) presented a petition bearing 4370 signatures:

The petition of certain citizens of the State of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council the concerns of the Silverleaves community at the lack of State Government funding for emergency coastal erosion mitigation works to prevent homes, public infrastructure and public land from being undermined and lost.

The petitioners therefore request the Legislative Council to call on the Allan Government to:

Urgently fund and implement DEECA’s proposed geotextile revetment to protect homes, public infrastructure and public land in the short term, and work collaboratively with the community to plan and fund long term solutions to mitigate and manage coastal erosion.

Melina BATH: As the petition is a petition that qualifies for debate under standing order 11.03(10), I give notice that I intend to move ‘That the petition be taken into consideration’ on Wednesday of the next sitting week.