Wednesday, 5 February 2025
Members statements
Jim Parkes Reserve
Jim Parkes Reserve
Michael GALEA (South-Eastern Metropolitan) (09:56): Recently Mr Tarlamis and I had the great privilege of being in Beaconsfield to open the new and upgraded Jim Parkes Reserve, all funded as part of a 50–50 partnership between the state government through the Growing Suburbs Fund and Cardinia Shire Council. It was terrific to see the much-upgraded facilities in this very important local park that is central to the Beaconsfield community. It was great to have local councillors there, including Mayor Jack Kowarzik, local councillor Brett Owen and in particular members of the Beaconsfield community, including members of Jim Parkes’s family. He was a great presence in the community and was involved in all sorts of clubs. In fact I believe from what his family have said he was involved at one point in almost every single association in Beaconsfield, so the park is a very fitting honour to him. Also there of course was the Beaconsfield Progress Association, including Graeme and Ann Taylor. It is always great to have their active support and involvement in fighting for their local community. It is great to see the new facilities, the new playgrounds and the new parklands and pathways which make the park more exciting, more enticing and more accessible to all members of the Beaconsfield community.