Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Questions without notice and ministers statements




Aiv PUGLIELLI (North-Eastern Metropolitan) (12:37): (787) My question today is to the Treasurer. Following the passing of the WorkCover scheme modernisation bill, which sees injured workers denied support or kicked off the scheme, can you inform the house: to date, how much money has been added to the state’s coffers as a result of these changes to WorkCover?

Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Treasurer, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Regional Development) (12:37): Mr Puglielli, that question would be better directed to Minister Carroll in his capacity as minister for WorkCover, for reasons similar to those I gave to Ms Lovell yesterday – if you are happy for me to do so.

Aiv Puglielli: On a point of order, I seek your guidance, President, on whether questions regarding the status of consolidated revenue following changes to government policy can be directed to the Treasurer. Where should they be directed?

The PRESIDENT: It is a fair point of order. The point is, and I think the Treasurer made a point which I agree with, that when it is in a different portfolio, even if adding a question about a figure of money, it does not mean it falls within her responsibility. As she advised, it will fall to the responsibility of a different minister. There are some people who have been around a long time, like me and Mr Davis. Back in 2007 there was a Treasurer in this house, Minister Lenders, who gave the exact type of answer our current Treasurer gave when it came to these sorts of questions. The President at that time had no problems with the response of the Treasurer indicating that it was not within his purview. You can leave the question to the Treasurer, or you can ask whoever is responsible for WorkCover here to pass it on to the minister for WorkCover. I am not saying you have to take up that option; you can leave the question to the Treasurer if you like.

Aiv Puglielli: I am happy for that to be passed on.

The PRESIDENT: I call the minister who represents the minister for WorkCover.

Jaclyn SYMES: I will happily get you an answer from the relevant minister.

Aiv PUGLIELLI (North-Eastern Metropolitan) (12:40): By way of supplementary, do you have any projections of whether the budgetary impacts of this policy caused by denying coverage to injured workers will be continuing over the medium term?

Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Treasurer, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Regional Development) (12:40): I will add Mr Puglielli’s supplementary question to his first and get an answer from Minister Carroll.