Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Members statements

Level crossing removals


Members statements

Level crossing removals

Steve DIMOPOULOS (Oakleigh – Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events, Minister for Creative Industries) (09:53): I just want to share with the house three updates of some note in my community in the last couple of weeks. The first one is that the Glen Huntly community received a train line in the 1880s, and this year, 2023, it will be level crossing free. The last boom gates have gone from my community. We have removed the ones at Grange Road, Koornang Road, Murrumbeena Road and Poath Road and of course the ones in Clayton, and now we are removing the ones at Glen Huntly Road and Neerim Road. It was a fantastic sight to see them lifted off for me and Mr Batchelor in the other house.