Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Constituency questions

Broadmeadows electorate


Broadmeadows electorate

Kathleen MATTHEWS-WARD (Broadmeadows) (14:50): (215) My constituency question is for the Minister for Small Business, and I ask the minister: how will the Andrews Labor government’s election commitment to multicultural precincts benefit my community in Broadmeadows? The Broadmeadows electorate is a tapestry of rich culture. It is home to the greatest number of Lebanese people in the state. Broadmeadows is also home to a great many small businesses, from cafes to fresh food grocers, bakeries and clothing shops, and they might be small, but these businesses make a big impact on our communities, boosting our local economies and driving local jobs. Traders groups like the Australian Lebanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry are integral to our multicultural business communities. The Australian Lebanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry fosters strong economic ties between Lebanon and Australia, creating opportunities for members to grow and thrive, including in the electorate of Broadmeadows. This government continues to put our local small businesses front and centre, and the $17 million package for businesses and cultural hubs across our state will ensure multicultural precincts can continue to come together and celebrate and share in culture and tradition.