Wednesday, 21 June 2023




Ros SPENCE (Kalkallo – Minister for Prevention of Family Violence, Minister for Community Sport, Minister for Suburban Development) (19:18): In response to the matter raised by the member for Narre Warren South seeking further information on the Grices Road recreation reserve upgrade and how this will benefit his constituents, can I say to the member for Narre Warren South: thank you for raising this matter, and I too am absolutely delighted that the Grices Road recreation reserve project has been included in the 2023–24 budget. Can I thank the member for Narre Warren South for his ongoing advocacy for community sport and for the clubs within his electorate. Can I also congratulate all of those involved at the reserve for their advocacy for this project, because it is often a really lengthy process to get funding for the delivery of these projects. It often starts with those hardworking terrific volunteers at the clubs that identify a need. They then advocate for quite a long time and eventually they get the support for the project, and then they finally get the funding. Can I say to all that have been involved in this: well done in getting the support and getting this funding.

This really vital funding of up to $1.2 million will see upgrades to the pavilion on site. It is quite an ageing pavilion, and indeed it is much in need of this upgrade to its ageing facilities. What will happen now is my department will work with the City of Casey to execute a funding agreement. That agreement will outline a time line for commencement and completion of those works and indeed a scope of the project. We are really committed to working with the council to see that this project is delivered. It is going to provide a really outstanding new facility for everyone who uses those facilities at the reserve. It will no doubt also draw even more people to the reserve, and that is what we want to see. It will boost participation, because there will be a new facility that is going to be a drawcard for the community. This is a really outstanding asset, the Grices Road recreation reserve, and no doubt it will be welcomed by the broader community, so can I thank the member again for his advocacy for this important project and for his advocacy for community sport right across the Narre Warren South electorate. Thank you very much.

In regard to the other matters that have been raised, we had three matters that were raised for the Premier: one by the member for Brighton, and the action being sought was that fair investment be provided to Brighton Primary School, including capital funding to replace the demountable classrooms next to the train line; another by the member for Prahran, who was seeking that the government take urgent action across government to reduce costs of living; and the third by the member for Narracan, seeking that the decision to end native timber logging be reversed.

We also had a matter raised by the member for Croydon for the Minister for Housing. The action being sought was that the minister address the priority public housing waitlist to assist a constituent of the member who has been waiting on that list for over a year and needing stable housing. The member will provide additional confidential information to the minister.

The member for Eureka raised a matter for the Minister for Training and Skills seeking for the minister to visit her electorate and to share information with the minister about some of the other initiatives that are in place to assist apprentices and recognise the valuable contributions that apprentices make to our workforce and the economy.

The member for Gippsland East raised a matter for the Minister for Environment. The action being sought was that the minister provide advice regarding the completion of the Sydenham Inlet Road strategic firebreak works, including information on when works will commence and be completed.

The member for Clarinda raised a matter for the Minister for Mental Health. The action being sought was that the minister provide the latest information on the mental health support services the government is providing to our refugee communities that have resettled in Victoria.

The member for Frankston raised a matter for the Treasurer, and the action being sought was that the Treasurer visit Frankston and visit two projects that received funding in the budget. Whilst there were two, I focused on one – that being the $15 million redevelopment of the Frankston and district basketball stadium, which the member knows I am incredibly interested in, because this is an outstanding project supporting that really growing basketball community in Frankston. I am sure that the Treasurer would be absolutely thrilled to visit that really great project.

The member for Bayswater raised a matter for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and the action being sought was that the minister provide an update on project dates regarding the upgrades to the Alchester Village roundabout, including the removal of the roundabout and the installation of traffic lights and other works. I will refer all of those matters to ministers for action.

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: The house now stands adjourned until tomorrow.

House adjourned 7:23 pm.