Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Grievance debate

Social housing

Social housing

Nina TAYLOR (Albert Park) (17:24): The only other point that I wanted to say is that I do grieve that the Greens party is perpetually blocking social housing in this state. They are absolutely hypocritical on this issue. If they genuinely cared about equity across this state, then they would support and back in social housing not only at a state level but also at a federal level. They need to pull the finger out and stop all this grandstanding and their social media and everything else that they are working towards – because that is all that is – and actually stand up for Victorians in this state. Okay, I got that off my chest, but it is awful listening to the mensonges in the chamber. It is like recreating history, and we want to deal in facts here, because we have a $5.3 billion investment in social housing in the state. I mean, what more is there to say on that matter? We are rolling it out, it is happening. I have seen it. I have been to Bangs Street, I have been down to New Street, Brighton. I am sure the member for Brighton would acknowledge that there is social housing being built down there, so, you know. Anyway, I just think you need to be fair, just and accurate when you communicate in the chamber.