Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Constituency questions

Hastings electorate

Hastings electorate

Paul MERCURIO (Hastings) (14:48): (213) There is constant talk in the news, on the radio, on social media, in my community and indeed in this chamber about the lack of social and affordable housing in our communities. With rental fees going up and with rates having gone up, there is a real and intense financial stress not just within my community but right across Victoria. So my constituency question is to the Minister for Housing. Could the minister update my community of the electorate of Hastings on what social and affordable housing is being planned in my area and, additionally, what is currently being built or has been built in my area? As mentioned in my inaugural speech, there are jobs available in my community. However, due to the lack of affordable and social housing for people to live in, many jobs remain unfulfilled. This leads to a lack of economic stability in the community, greater stress to employers and the unfortunate result of businesses closing. I look forward to hearing from the minister regarding the great work the Andrews Labor government is doing to provide social and affordable housing in my electorate.

The SPEAKER: I will review that constituency question. There was more than one question.