Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Constituency questions

South-West Coast electorate

Constituency questions

South-West Coast electorate

Roma BRITNELL (South-West Coast) (14:45): (210) My constituency question is to the Minister for Environment, and I ask: what are the details of the contracting and tender process used for the upgrades to the rock wall in Dutton Way? I am told from locals that a Melbourne-based road-building company has been awarded the contract rather than one of the many experienced South-West Coast civil earthworks companies. Indeed it appears these local companies were not even given the opportunity to bid for the contract. I am informed by locals that it would have been cheaper to source local contractors, saving your heavily indebted state Labor government money whilst also using those with experience, appropriate knowledge and equipment. The public are rightly asking how it can be cost effective, not to mention environmentally friendly, for large civil earthworks machinery and workers to be trucked across the West Gate when all exists there in Portland. The public demand to know if this is yet another example of jobs for their Labor mates. Minister, please release the details and share transparency of the appointment of the contractor, including the process your government went through to ensure fairness in the procurement process.

The SPEAKER: I will check that constituency question. There were multiple questions.