Thursday, 6 March 2025

Members statements

Government performance

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Government performance

Sam GROTH (Nepean) (09:41): The next Premier of this state should be chosen by the people of Victoria and not the Labor caucus. We know there is absolute division on that side and this state is being ruined by the choices of this government. We had just yesterday reports that wholesale energy prices in this state are going to put more pressure on the gas bills and the energy bills of families – 140 per cent they are going to rise by. We have got a Premier and a Deputy Premier at odds with each other over whether high-risk youth offenders should be put with ankle bracelets into our government schools. We have got roads with potholes riddling this state and $50 billion in major project blowouts. The Victorian people need a clear alternative when it comes to this state – people with vision.

We have got people in their houses laying awake at night in fear that someone is going to come through the door with a machete, attack their family and steal their car. The Allan Labor government has done nothing to protect these families. They continue to say they are going to bring forward more options. They are the ones that changed the bail laws that put these families at risk. Only a Battin Liberal government will deliver for Victorians.