Thursday, 6 March 2025
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Mary-Anne THOMAS (Macedon – Leader of the House, Minister for Health, Minister for Ambulance Services) (17:39): The member for Gippsland South raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Water, and the action he seeks is that the minister work with the water authorities on the water allocations for the La Trobe River system. The member for Northcote raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Public and Active Transport, and the action she seeks is that the minister join her on a visit to Thornbury to observe the transport needs of that fast-growing community and to discuss those with her. The member for Eildon raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and the action she seeks is that the minister work again with the water authority to consider a temporary bridge at Eltham-Yarra Glen Road over the aqueduct. The member for Broadmeadows raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Community Sport, and the action that she seeks is that the minister join her to visit the Upfield Soccer Club, the Oak Park Football Club and the Dallas Neighbourhood House to discuss their infrastructure needs, to see and hear about the work of the neighbourhood house and to meet with those club members who are so vital to the strength of that fabulous community that the member is so happy and privileged represent.
The member for Kew raised a matter for the attention of the Premier. I draw to the member for Kew’s attention the fact that we did debate and indeed pass the Terrorism (Community Protection) and Control of Weapons Amendment Bill 2024 today, which does include reference to machetes, but the member for Kew is seeking that the Premier strengthen laws in relation to both machetes and bail. The member for Box Hill has raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Community Sport that the minister join him to meet with sporting clubs in Box Hill and to meet with Box Hill United Football Club to talk about their facility needs. The member for Brunswick raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Public and Active Transport, and the action the member seeks is that the minister consider banning fossil fuel advertising on public transport and other infrastructure.
The member for Preston raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Housing and Building, and that is that the minister join him to meet the East Reservoir residents group. The member reflected on the important role that public housing has played in his community providing much-needed housing to many disadvantaged members of our community but that it is time to consider what the next steps are when it comes to the provision of public housing in that community. The member for Gippsland East raised a matter for my attention in relation to non-emergency patient transport. I am happy to advise the member that there have been no changes to the eligibility criteria for NEPT, and that is that there is a need for clinical observation of the person being transported. But I am very happy to come back to the member in relation to what other community transport options may be available. I recognise the issues that he has raised with me this evening, and I will provide some further information to him. The member for Werribee raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Transport Infrastructure that the minister provide an update on Ison Road in his electorate.
I am quite distracted by little Patrick, frankly, who looks very much at home in the house.
The SPEAKER: Thank you, Minister. Thank you, members. I think that was an accurate assessment. I cannot tell; my notes are bit scrunched. The house now stands adjourned.
House adjourned 5:44 pm.