Thursday, 6 March 2025
Constituency questions
Broadmeadows electorate
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Broadmeadows electorate
Kathleen MATTHEWS-WARD (Broadmeadows) (14:48): (1037) My constituency question is for the Minister for Transport Infrastructure and Minister for Public and Active Transport, and I ask: what can the government do to improve safety and amenity at the pedestrian rail crossing near Upfield station? Tragically, a life was recently lost at the crossing, and I am told other serious incidents have occurred at this location. I understand the crossing has a pedestrian maze but not a gate, bells or signals. I thank local resident Reyhan Kirca for raising this issue with me. I also thank the minister for her strong advocacy on safety and public and active transport and hope that safety at this crossing can be improved. The minister is also aware of my strong advocacy for the duplication and extension of the Upfield line, for additional services and for additional level crossing removals along the line, such as those at Coburg, with beautiful walking tracks, bike tracks and recreational areas which are being enjoyed and utilised by the community. I am very proud of Labor’s record of delivering level crossing removals, which has made such a huge difference for our community.