Thursday, 6 March 2025
Members statements
Jayne Dicketts OAM
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Jayne Dicketts OAM
Colin BROOKS (Bundoora – Minister for Industry and Advanced Manufacturing, Minister for Creative Industries) (09:54): I rise today to congratulate Jayne Dicketts, a nurse and Bundoora local who received an Order of Australia in the general division in the Australia Day honours for her decades of exceptional service to health care. Jayne has been a registered nurse since 2004, working to serve the local community through Hospital in the Home across the Austin and Northern Health networks. Jayne is also a proud Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation member and a workplace job representative supporting fellow nurses, and she is also currently studying a masters degree in wound care. Jayne’s time in nursing has not just been in the professional world, though, having spent many years selflessly volunteering her time and her skills for the sake of helping others. Jayne began volunteering with St John Ambulance back in 2005 and has been a member ever since, serving as the Moreland divisional manager since 2010. More recently Jayne has also volunteered with the Red Cross. Her time volunteering has seen her attend the Black Saturday bushfires and brought her to work in the field of psychological first aid, frequently offering some of the first support that people receive after tragedy strikes. As part of this work Jayne was deployed to support victims of the 2022 floods. Through this she has provided support to communities affected in the flood plains along both the Goulburn and Maribyrnong rivers. Jayne epitomises the great Australian tradition of volunteering and service. On behalf of my local community, I thank and congratulate Jayne Dicketts OAM.