Thursday, 6 March 2025
Member for Bentleigh
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Member for Bentleigh
Personal explanation
Nick STAIKOS (Bentleigh – Minister for Consumer Affairs, Minister for Local Government) (09:33): I wish to make a brief clarifying statement to the chamber following on from the second reading of the Building Legislation Amendment (Buyer Protections) Bill 2025 yesterday. There is an inconsistency between the second-reading speech and the body of the bill regarding the developer bond scheme, which is the result of a drafting error. The second-reading speech states that the percentage of the bond will be 2 per cent whereas the body of the bill says 3 per cent. The percentage in the second-reading speech is the correct figure, and the government will be looking to move a house amendment to correct the figure in the body of the bill when it returns for debate.
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: There can be no debate entered into on a personal explanation. I will take a point of order, but it will not be ruled as a point of order if it is on the personal explanation.
James Newbury: On a point of order, Speaker, just for clarification, the Premier also made statements on this issue, and I am seeking to understand whether the Premier is going to seek an opportunity to make a personal explanation as well to the chamber.
The SPEAKER: That is not a point of order.