Thursday, 6 March 2025


Box Hill United Football Club

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Box Hill United Football Club

Paul HAMER (Box Hill) (17:28): (1056) My adjournment is for the Minister for Community Sport. The action that I seek is for the minister to join me in visiting the Box Hill United Football Club to inspect their facilities and hear about the club’s infrastructure needs at their home grounds at Wembley Park and RHL Sparks Reserve in Box Hill. Under the guidance of club president George Petheriotis, the Box Hill United Football Club has been going from strength to strength and continues to build on its longstanding history in Box Hill.

A couple of years ago a new pavilion was constructed on Sparks Reserve, which was part funded by the Victorian government as part of our World Game Facilities Fund. This fantastic new facility provides changing rooms and amenities for the hundreds of boys and girls that train and play on this ground each week. Given the heavy utilisation of its grounds throughout the year, the club is also seeking funding to replace its current turf pitches with synthetic materials to ensure that the pitch can remain in good condition throughout the season and it can continue to encourage further growth in the world game within the Box Hill community. I look forward to the minister’s response.