Wednesday, 17 August 2022
Members statements
RSPCA Cupcake Day
RSPCA Cupcake Day
Mr BARTON (Eastern Metropolitan) (09:52): This week is RSPCA Cupcake Day. Mr Meddick has made us all aware of our obligations to our companion animals in this place. The RSPCA does incredible work. They are an independent charity that provides animal care and protection services across Australia. Cupcake Day is a great opportunity to bake and fundraise to support the RSPCA. It is not just limited to cupcakes; you can make brownies, slices and quiches—I am not sure if I eat quiche. Just this very week my old golden retriever, Benny, had to have surgery—
A member: After eating cupcakes?
Mr BARTON: No, but it reminded me of the fantastic support from our local vets. Animals are such an important part of our lives. The RSPCA saves so many animals each year and helps to provide them with a loving family of their own. You can sign up to their website and get baking for a good cause.