Wednesday, 17 August 2022
Constituency questions
Northern Victoria Region
Northern Victoria Region
Ms MAXWELL (Northern Victoria) (12:47): (1914) My constituency question is to the Minister for Community Sport, and I ask if the minister will provide $4.1 million to improve facilities at the Murchison and Toolamba community hub and recreation reserve. Local sport is often the heartbeat of a community, and the Murchison-Toolamba Football Netball Club has a proud 140-year history. The club accommodates four grades of football and seven grades of netball every week, as well as supporting other sports and community activities. While the club does the best they can, their facilities are deplorable, dilapidated and not fit for purpose. They do not accommodate for disability or equality and are completely unsafe. Greater Shepparton City Council provided funding towards design and investigation works, but future capital funding for any project is in the hands of the state as the land is owned by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. The club are kicking goals this year, and they deserve quality facilities to match. I implore the government to give this further consideration and fund the Murchison-Toolamba Football Netball Club.