Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Western Metropolitan Region social housing


Western Metropolitan Region social housing

Dr CUMMING (Western Metropolitan) (12:32): My question is for the Minister for Housing in the other place. Can the minister please provide me with the number of people on social housing waiting lists in Western Metropolitan Region by local government area? The Environment and Planning Committee inquiry into the protections within the Victorian planning framework looked at the provision of affordable housing. In the submission by Maribyrnong City Council they stated that there were 5000 applicants on the social housing waiting list in western Melbourne in 2021, including 3000 applicants waiting under the priority access scheme. The priority access scheme includes people or families identified as homeless or receiving support, escaping family violence or having a disability. They need the health reasons why.

Ms Shing: I am just seeking some clarity about what the question is.

Dr CUMMING: Can the minister please provide me with the number of people on the social housing waiting list in Western Metropolitan Region by local government area?

Ms SHING (Eastern Victoria—Minister for Water, Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Equality) (12:34): Thanks, Dr Cumming, for that clarification. In accordance with the standing orders, I will seek a response from the Minister for Housing in the other place and ensure that that gets to you.

Dr CUMMING (Western Metropolitan) (12:34): Thank you, Minister. I would love for them to answer a question. Can the minister please tell me when this government expects to meet the need for social housing in the west? The latest Australian Institute of Health and Welfare data has revealed that only 2.9 per cent of Victorian housing stock is social housing. Their data for 2021 shows a decline in the population of social housing households in Victoria since 2014 from 3.5 per cent of all households to 2.9 per cent in 2021. Of the 80 611 social housing dwellings, 3818 were considered to be overcrowded. In June I questioned the minister, ‘How many first-round grants have been approved to community housing agencies for shovel-ready development in Western Metropolitan Region?’, and I received no response.

Ms SHING (Eastern Victoria—Minister for Water, Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Equality) (12:35): Thank you, Dr Cumming, for that supplementary question. Again, in accordance with the standing orders I will seek to have a response provided by the Minister for Housing in the other place.