Wednesday, 17 August 2022


Kyneton town hall


Mr LEANE (Eastern Metropolitan—Minister for Commonwealth Games Legacy, Minister for Veterans) (17:45): I move:

That the house do now adjourn.

Kyneton town hall

Ms LOVELL (Northern Victoria) (17:45): (2058) My adjournment matter is directed to the Minister for Regional Development, and it concerns the Macedon Ranges shire’s Kyneton Town Hall Reimagined project. The action that I seek from the minister is for her to approve the funding grant application for $200 000 that the Macedon Ranges Shire Council will submit through Regional Development Victoria’s Investment Fast-track Fund to develop schematic designs for the Kyneton Town Hall Reimagined project to create a contemporary entertainment facility that will host a wide variety of arts- and culture-related events for both tourists and the local community.

The Kyneton town hall was constructed in 1879 and served as the Kyneton shire hall until the town became part of the Macedon Ranges shire. At that time it became a town hall and performing arts centre, and it is now the premier performance space in the shire, hosting a wide range of events. The Kyneton town hall also serves as an administration hub for the Macedon Ranges Shire Council and is a heritage-listed building, reinforcing its historical and cultural significance in the community. In 2019 council completed a compliance check of the building that identified a redevelopment is required to meet current building requirements and community expectations. The Macedon Ranges council has completed an extensive refurbishment of the building’s exterior and is now seeking funding to complete the redevelopment by refurbishing the interior of the hall.

The planned renovation is designed to provide a functional and flexible space to deliver extensive programs and services to the local community. The project will include a complete refurbishment of the theatre’s interior, including improved theatre seating, a redesigned backstage area and an upgrade of performance audio. Quality meeting rooms will be constructed that will be available for use by both council and the local community, and fire and security systems will be upgraded to meet current standards. The refurbishment of the Kyneton town hall will enable the hosting of a wider variety of events for the enjoyment of both the local community and visitors to the region. The increased tourist visitation attracted by events at the hall will provide significant economic benefit to the Macedon Ranges economy, with additional tourist spending in local retail, hospitality and accommodation venues.

Macedon Ranges Shire Council officers are in the process of submitting a grant application for $200 000 through Regional Development Victoria’s Investment Fast-Track Fund to develop schematic designs of the planned works. This is a very important step towards making the Kyneton Town Hall Reimagined project a reality, and I call on the minister to ensure this grant application is approved once it is received.