Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Ministers statements: early childhood workforce

Ministers statements: early childhood workforce

Ms STITT (Western Metropolitan—Minister for Workplace Safety, Minister for Early Childhood and Pre-Prep) (12:41): Last week I had the opportunity to join my commonwealth and state and territory colleagues at the education ministers meeting in Canberra. It is refreshing to have a federal government with a shared commitment to early learning and care and a partner in Canberra who is willing to address the challenges and opportunities facing the early childhood sector. With the meeting focusing on the teaching workforce, it was an important opportunity for Victoria to discuss our ambitious reforms that will transform early learning. At the heart of our $9 billion Best Start, Best Life reforms is the workforce—our teachers and educators, who work so hard every day to teach our young children all the skills they will need for a happy and healthy life.

This meeting was also an opportunity for Victoria to continue to advocate for a shared vision and plan to attract and retain a workforce across the entire early childhood sector, including not only kindergartens but also long day care. We already have a comprehensive kinder workforce strategy here in Victoria, with an investment of $209 million, and we know there is always more work to be done. I am pleased that education ministers agreed to ensure teachers and educators across early childhood settings are valued and supported as education professionals. I look forward to continuing these discussions and important work with Minister Aly and my colleagues across the country.