Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Joint sitting of Parliament

Legislative Council vacancy

Joint sitting of Parliament

Legislative Council vacancy

Members of both houses met in Assembly chamber at 6.17 pm.

The Clerk: Before proceeding with the business of this joint sitting, it will be necessary to appoint a Chair. I call the Premier.

Mr ANDREWS (Mulgrave—Premier): I move:

That the Honourable Nazih Elasmar, President of the Legislative Council, be appointed Chair of this joint sitting.

He is willing to accept the nomination.

Mr GUY (Bulleen—Leader of the Opposition): I second the motion.

The Clerk: Are there any other proposals? There being no other proposal, the Honourable Nazih Elasmar, President of the Legislative Council, will take the chair.

Motion agreed to.

The CHAIR (Hon. N Elasmar): Under the Constitution Act 1975 this joint sitting must be conducted in accordance with rules adopted by members present at the sitting. The first procedure, therefore, will be the adoption of rules.

Mr ANDREWS (Mulgrave—Premier): I move:

That joint rule of practice 2 be the rules for this joint sitting.

Mr GUY (Bulleen—Leader of the Opposition): I second the motion.

Motion agreed to.

The CHAIR: The rules having been adopted, I now invite proposals from members for a person to occupy the vacant seat in the Legislative Council.

Mr ANDREWS (Mulgrave—Premier): I propose:

That Mr Thomas McIntosh be chosen to occupy the vacant seat in the Legislative Council.

He is willing to accept the nomination. In order to satisfy the joint sitting as to the requirements of section 27A(4) of the Constitution Act 1975, I also advise that the President has received advice from the state secretary of the Victorian branch of the Australian Labor Party that Mr McIntosh is the selection of the Australian Labor Party, the party previously represented in the Legislative Council by the Honourable Jane Garrett.

Mr GUY (Bulleen—Leader of the Opposition): I second the proposal.

The CHAIR: Are there any further proposals? As there are no further nominations, I declare that nominations are closed.

Motion agreed to.

The CHAIR: I declare that Mr Thomas McIntosh has been chosen to occupy the vacant seat in the Legislative Council. I will advise the Governor accordingly.

I now declare the joint sitting closed.

Proceedings terminated 6.20 pm.