Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Questions on notice


Questions on notice


The PRESIDENT (12:51): I have received a written request from Mrs Deeming seeking the reinstatement of questions on notice 771, 1163, 1171, 1173–75, 1177–78, 1180–82, 1184–89, 1191–92, 1196, 1198, 1210, 1251 and 1263, directed to various ministers.

Having reviewed the responses, I am of the opinion that the ministers have answered questions on notice 771, 1171, 1173–75, 1178, 1180–82, 1186–87, 1189, 1196, 1251 and 1263.

In relation to the remaining questions on notice, I am of the view that the minister has not been responsive to the question and therefore reinstate questions on notice 1177, 1184–85, 1188, 1191–92, 1198 and 1210 in full; and question on notice 1163, part (4).