Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Members statements

Duck hunting


Duck hunting

Georgie PURCELL (Northern Victoria) (14:49): In question time I asked about the $10 million that the government are putting in to apparently reform duck shooting. While we might not know much about how it is going to work, I think I have a bit of an idea of how they are going to pay for it. As many of you know, I got banned from the wetlands on the opening weekend of the duck-shooting season. But the Game Management Authority were not happy with just that – they did not stop there. On the weekend I stopped by my mailbox, and I had a fine of $1154. That is the price for attempting to rescue maimed birds illegally shot and left to die by shooters in this state. What else have we seen from the GMA? They are banning rescuers who have gun licences. In fact they rocked up to a duck rescuer’s place of work as she was vaccinating patients. We have seen GMA officers failing to show ID and rocking up without uniform, wearing half balaclavas, intimidating rescuers. Meanwhile, we continue to see duck shooters illegally shoot threatened and protected species. They are flashing themselves to rescuers. But the GMA are on one about duck rescuers, and that is why banning notices are seven times higher than they were this time last year. It is all orchestrated by a man named Grant Allan, and in my office we are saying he is the smallest man to ever live.