Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Members statements

Anzac Day

Anzac Day

Renee HEATH (Eastern Victoria) (14:53): I was privileged to attend Anzac Day ceremonies in both Pakenham and Wonthaggi. We live in the best nation on earth, but sometimes I worry that we forget that. On Anzac Day I met an incredible man, Eddy Boas, a Jew from Holland who survived the Holocaust. He shared how he and his immediate family survived when all of their extended family were murdered. He grew up without a single uncle, aunt, grandparent or cousin, something I just cannot imagine. He survived because his dad was given the job of looking after horses. He said that the Nazis cared a heck of a lot more for horses than they did for Jews, so his family was able to survive on the horse scraps. This man spoke with incredible gratitude for Australia and those that fought for our freedom. He put into perspective how much we have to be grateful for, and he reminded us that freedom is not free; it comes at a great cost. It reminded me of the danger of the hate that we are currently seeing on our streets, hate that just does not belong here. So I am thankful for all the amazing men and women who have fought for our country and those that still do. May we love and value it, may we reject hate and may we always remain free.