Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Members statements

Gendered violence

Samantha RATNAM

Gendered violence

Samantha RATNAM (Northern Metropolitan) (14:55): Thirty-two – that is the number of Australian women killed already in 2024, and it is only the end of April. Gendered violence and family violence are killing us. We cannot wait until that deadly count reaches one every day or even more before we do more to end violence against women. This week we have heard pleas from the community to treat this as the emergency that it is. Thousands of people marched across the country in national rallies against violence. It is sad to think that we have to march for our basic rights to safety in our homes and on the streets, but here is where we are. To all those rallying: we hear you and we are with you.

There are things we can do right now, and we must get on with them. In Victoria this begins with the Allan Labor government not allowing vital funding to the family violence sector to lapse in the upcoming budget. Premier Allan must maintain the $15 million in funding the sector is at risk of losing in the upcoming budget. Premier Allan must build more public homes urgently. Women are living in refuges for up to eight months because there is no housing to go to after they flee violence. Women and children are being housed in motels and hotels because there are not enough refuge beds. We need to fund culturally responsive women’s refuges and fund grassroots community organisations.

Family and gendered violence is, at its core, based in gender inequality and attitudes towards women. Disrespectful relationships thrive in silence, fear and shame. If any politician wants to be taken seriously on addressing the family violence crisis, they need to commit to all of this and more. No more platitudes, no more hand-wringing: fund services and fund housing now.