Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Members statements

Regional health services


Members statements

Regional health services

Georgie CROZIER (Southern Metropolitan) (14:46): Next week the Treasurer will be handing down the Victorian budget. We know that it is going to be a horror budget – he has indicated as much. What that means is more taxes by the Allan Labor government, which are going to put more pressure on all Victorians. We have seen today yet another home owners tax, which is not going to do anything to help aspirational Victorians to get into their own home; it is in fact going to do the opposite. But what I am so concerned about is that, because of the dire financial situation that Victoria is in, our hospitals are facing massive deficits. Reports in recent days have indicated just how bad that is. We know in December there was a report of deficits of up to $1.4 billion, rising to $3 billion by the end of June. What the government is planning to do is amalgamate our rural and regional hospitals. Those amalgamations across regional Victoria are because the government has got no ability to manage money. It cannot manage our health system, and a result, Victorians are paying a price. It will be a loss of services in those communities, it will be a loss of jobs in those communities and it will be a loss of a local voice. I have been receiving all manner of feedback from concerned Victorians who are directly involved. What they are very concerned about is the lack of consultation by the government and by the department with these communities. The communities do not understand what is happening. They deserve better from the government. As I said, the amalgamations will have a dire impact on the delivery of health services in this state.