Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Members statements

Land tax

Land tax

David DAVIS (Southern Metropolitan) (15:00): I want today to draw the chamber’s attention to Labor’s big fat new housing tax. I mean, this is another killer on housing affordability. The truth is the government, desperate for money at every turn, is now putting a new tax on. This will be the 55th new or expanded tax since Labor came to government in 2014, and the overwhelming run of these taxes has gone onto property, onto development, onto construction and onto new homes, which hits young families that are seeking to buy their first home. This will add to the cost of houses and make housing much less affordable. This new tax is Labor to its bootstraps. It is a tax that zeros in and hits the most vulnerable, hurts the most vulnerable and makes it more difficult for people to buy a home. I have to say this is a shocker – another big fat new Labor tax on housing and a big fat new Labor tax on those in the community who are home owners and those who would seek to be home owners. Many will now never get to own their own home because of this big fat new Labor tax that is being put in place, the 55th new and expanded tax since Daniel Andrews came to government in 2014.