Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Windsor Community Children’s Centre

Katherine COPSEY, Lizzie BLANDTHORN, David DAVIS

Windsor Community Children’s Centre

Katherine COPSEY (Southern Metropolitan) (13:22): (774) My question today is to the Minister for Children. Minister, you wrote to the Windsor Community Children’s Centre on 17 December 2024, and you referenced the demographic evidence in a report that was titled Review of Early Childhood Service Needs in Windsor–Prahran & Surrounding Catchment Area. That report, dated September 2024, details both the current existing shortfall and a future projected shortfall of childcare and kindergarten places within the Windsor–Prahran area, where WCCC is located. Given the significant community need for early childhood education services in the area, have you undertaken, Minister, any legal, financial or policy assessments regarding the government’s ability to reclaim or retain 131–‍133 Union Street, Windsor, in public ownership or to support Stonnington council’s acquisition of the property from Swinburne University?

Lizzie BLANDTHORN (Western Metropolitan – Minister for Children, Minister for Disability) (13:23): I thank Ms Copsey for her question and for the opportunity to recanvass these matters, which we talked about in I think the last sitting week of the Parliament last year. We know how important it is that families have access to early education. For the clarity of the house – and I sought to explain this before Christmas – child care is a federal government responsibility. Kindergarten, free kindergarten – although those opposite are still confused about whether or not they support free kindergarten; I am hopeful that those over there do support free kindergarten – for three-year-olds and four-year-olds is the state government’s responsibility.

We acknowledge that at times the Commonwealth have not met the objectives or their responsibility in relation to child care, and it is why we are building 50 early learning centres across the state, doing our bit to assist with child care. But ultimately child care is a federal government responsibility. What the state government is doing is delivering free three- and four-year-old kinder for every three-year-old and four-year-old and working with Stonnington to ensure that there are enough three- and four-year-old kindergarten places for all three- and four-year-old kindergarten children in Stonnington.

Katherine COPSEY (Southern Metropolitan) (13:24): I note, Minister, you engaged with the preamble to the question there but did not respond around the government looking to reclaim or retain 131–‍133 Union Street. Minister, will you advocate for 131–133 Union Street to remain zoned for public education and to save the Windsor Community Children’s Centre?

Lizzie BLANDTHORN (Western Metropolitan – Minister for Children, Minister for Disability) (13:25): I again thank Ms Copsey for her supplementary question. What I can assure this house is that this government is interested in ensuring that every three-year-old and every four-year-old has access to free kinder and the Department of Education is working with the City of Stonnington to ensure that that is the case. That is our commitment: free kinder for three-year-olds and four-year-olds.

Katherine Copsey: On a point of order, President, the question was related to a specific centre. I ask that you direct the minister to answer the question.

The PRESIDENT: I believe the minister was being responsive in relation to her portfolio.

Lizzie BLANDTHORN: As I have assured Ms Copsey, our commitment is working with Stonnington to ensure that all three- and four-year-old children in Stonnington will have access to kindergarten. That is detailed planning work that our department undertakes throughout the year – and each and every year – to ensure that three-year-olds and four-year-olds can access free kinder. In relation to the long day care places that you asked about in your substantive question and that your supplementary clearly relates to, that is a matter to take up with the Commonwealth government.

David DAVIS (Southern Metropolitan) (13:26): I move:

That the minister’s answer be taken into account on the next day of meeting.

Motion agreed to.