Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Constituency questions

Western Victoria Region

Western Victoria Region

Joe McCRACKEN (Western Victoria) (14:10): (1325) My constituency question is for the Minister for Police. Many constituents in Ballarat were extremely disappointed to see graffiti, vandalism and destruction of monuments in Victoria and also locally. We saw in Melbourne the desecration of a monument which pays homage to Anzacs, who fought to defend our freedoms and our way of life. These acts are totally reprehensible and should be roundly condemned by all. In Ballarat we have seen the destruction of two busts on the prime ministers walk in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens, where heads were cut off former prime ministers Kevin Rudd and Paul Keating. In the last 48 hours we have seen destruction of the floral clock in the botanic gardens as well. The cost to the City of Ballarat is estimated to be in the order of $250,000. My question to the minister is: what do you intend to do to ensure that historic monuments, particularly the ones in Ballarat, will be protected for the future?