Tuesday, 4 February 2025


Community safety

Community safety

David DAVIS (Southern Metropolitan) (18:33): (1363) I want to raise a matter for the Premier. I have a letter in my possession from the office of the mayor, Cr Simone Zmood, of the City of Glen Eira, and it is addressed to the Premier, Jacinta Allan, and it is signed by not only Mayor Zmood but former mayors Anne-Marie Cade, Jim Magee, Margaret Esakoff and Jamie Hyams OAM – five mayors from the City of Glen Eira. Along with the four previous mayors of Glen Eira, it says:

… I write to you with a deep concern for the safety and well-being of our community.

While recent events have raised increased awareness of antisemitism, disruptive community behaviour and violent attacks, for our community these are longstanding issues that continue to erode their fundamental right to feel safe. This issue extends beyond the Jewish community and affects all residents, making it imperative that both immediate and permanent action is taken.

Mayor Zmood’s letter continues:

In light of these ongoing security concerns, we formally request a permanent (not temporary) increase in police presence in Glen Eira, with particular attention to Caulfield Police Station. While we appreciate the temporary measures that have been taken, it is evident that a long-term solution is required to ensure ongoing safety and restore the trust and confidence of our community.

It goes on to say:

We feel strongly that maintaining public safety and an environment where everyone feels welcome are critical responsibilities of government. Council is investing in a range of measures to improve safety and build social cohesion, working collaboratively with community groups and organisations. But what is needed and expected is a more visible local police presence to send a strong message that helps deter criminal activity, reassure community members, and foster a greater sense of security for all.

I think this letter is a timely letter. It is a serious matter in the City of Glen Eira in my electorate, Ms Crozier’s electorate. It is an electorate that is actually facing a real threat. The City of Glen Eira – I was at a citizenship ceremony the other day – is a very important municipality. It has a very significant Jewish community, and they have a right to feel safe. Police presence has been wound back by this government. I can even go further and say that the figures that I have on the number of police in Prahran show very clearly that the number of police available both on the weekend and during weekdays has fallen in recent years under this government. You get rid of long-term patrols and you get rid of visible police and there are very poor outcomes. So I say the Premier needs to respond to this. She needs to do so urgently. She needs to listen. People should feel safe, and at the moment under Labor in Victoria they do not feel safe.