Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Members statements

Australia Day

Australia Day

Gaelle BROAD (Northern Victoria) (14:54): As we start the new year with the first sitting day in the state Parliament, I reflect on January and the wonderful celebrations that were held across Northern Victoria on Australia Day. I especially want to congratulate all those who took the step to become Australian citizens from countries all over the world, and that is because we live in the best country in the world and we can be proud to call Australia home. I want to thank the volunteers who helped behind the scenes at community celebrations. I know there were Rotary groups, Lions Clubs and Scouts. Many were up at 6 am to get that barbecue going. It was great to see community leaders like Glenda Serpell, founder of the charity Sunshine Bendigo, and also long-time Girl Guide Pollyanna Smith recognised for their service.