Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Drug harm reduction


Drug harm reduction

Sarah MANSFIELD (Western Victoria) (13:56): (780) My question is for the Minister for Mental Health. Last year health services raised concerns that their medical indemnity insurance policies through VMIA excluded the administration of take-home naloxone in the community by non-clinical workers. This led to the absurd situation that non-clinical health workers could not administer a treatment that could be given by a layperson walking down the street. We were assured that this had been resolved via a gazetted regulatory change, and I have been informed that VMIA wrote to health services advising that they would be covered; however, it has been brought to my attention by several people working in the sector that there are ongoing legal uncertainties. The law still does not allow non-clinical workers to administer naloxone, only to possess and supply it, which has created some uncertainty about the soundness of VMIA’s advice. Minister, can you confirm whether or not the administration of naloxone by a non-clinical health worker in the community is covered by VMIA’s indemnity policies?

Ingrid STITT (Western Metropolitan – Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Multicultural Affairs) (13:57): I thank Dr Mansfield for the question. The most recent advice I did receive from my department was in line with what you have just outlined, but I am very happy – given that the uncertainty in the sector is not something I want to see – to take your question on notice, get some updated advice from my department and provide you with a written response.

Sarah MANSFIELD (Western Victoria) (13:58): I thank the minister for that response and undertaking. Further to my substantive question, I also ask if you would commit to reviewing the relevant legislation just to ensure that there is no ongoing legal ambiguity as well as the issue around indemnity coverage.

Ingrid STITT (Western Metropolitan – Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Multicultural Affairs) (13:58): Yes. I will seek to cover off that issue in my written response to you, Dr Mansfield.