Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Constituency questions

Northern Metropolitan Region


Northern Metropolitan Region

Evan MULHOLLAND (Northern Metropolitan) (14:06): (1321) My question is to the Attorney-General in the other place, and it concerns the growing crime crisis in the northern suburbs. My question is: will you finally admit you were wrong to block our bill in March last year to strengthen your weakened bail laws? I was shocked to see the Premier finally admitting today in the Herald Sun that the bail laws that she weakened are too soft, setting up a review into her government’s weakening of our bail laws. Minister, the northern suburbs have become a hotspot for rising crime. Recent data shows a disturbing increase in incidents of burglary, vehicle theft and violent crime, with residents living in fear. When I introduced that bill last year it was actually Mr Galea on the other side of the chamber who said that we were motivated not by Victorians but by a headline in the Herald Sun and on 3AW. By the Premier’s actions today in the Herald Sun and on 3AW, it seems the minister is more concerned about her own job than the safety of all Victorians.