Tuesday, 4 March 2025
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Ministers statements: Suburban Rail Loop
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Ministers statements: Suburban Rail Loop
Harriet SHING (Eastern Victoria – Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop, Minister for Housing and Building, Minister for Development Victoria and Precincts) (12:48): I am really pleased to share that Australia’s largest housing project, the Suburban Rail Loop, has entered the next phase of its development as works power on ahead of the launch and deployment of tunnel-boring machines next year. We have got a really clear and positive vision to deal with growth in Victoria, building world-class public transport and affordable homes closer to where people grew up. This is why the draft structure plans that were released yesterday give a really clear picture of what the suburbs in the transport corridor will look like. They are informed by around 10,000 submissions, countless community conversations and engagement, including through local committees, and a youth panel around what it is that people want to see.
It was a pleasure to join the Premier, along with our really hard working Suburban Rail Loop East members, the members for Bentleigh, Glen Waverley, Burwood and Box Hill – all amazing local members who have advocated stridently for this project in the time that they have been in Parliament – at the future Box Hill SRL station to share the plans for how neighbourhoods around these six stations will thrive.
Our colleagues understand what is needed for well-considered growth, and that does not happen by accident. While we are busy doing the work necessary to deliver on nation-building outcomes that will outlast your careers – perhaps with the exception of you, Mr Davis – in this place, all you do on the other side of the chamber is block and oppose –
David Davis: On a point of order, President, it is well established that in ministers statements the minister is not able to attack the opposition.
The PRESIDENT: In answering questions it is established, but in statements it is not.
Harriet SHING: Again, Mr Davis, if you were to take my comment about your longevity in this place as an attack, then I do apologise, and I unreservedly withdraw it.
All that the opposition does is block. While we build, they block. While we deliver housing, they oppose it. While we get on with major projects that are going to confer long-term benefit to our kids and to their kids so that they have somewhere to live closer to where they grew up, they create uncertainty, they create division and they ignore the fact that we are in a position to do something real about the problems now. Get on board – you will not be sorry.
David Davis: On a point of order, President, following Mrs McArthur’s question, the minister – as I heard – indicated that she was not responsible for the appointment of the chair of the relevant regional development zone. I am informed that the RDA website says:
The Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories –
the federal one –
appoints Chairs in all states, except Victoria and South Australia. In Victoria all Chairs are appointed jointly by the Commonwealth Minister … and the Victorian minister for regional development.
My point of order is that it appears that the minister has misled the house, whether inadvertently I do not know, but certainly she indicated that she was not involved in that appointment.
The PRESIDENT: It is not my role to determine the argument around what has or has not been answered. You have a recourse, Mr Davis, and so does Mrs McArthur, as far as a substantive motion goes if you want to point something like this out.
Bev McArthur: Further to the point of order, President, the minister claimed that my facts were wrong. I am alleging that she misrepresented me, because her facts were wrong. Could she review her answer?
The PRESIDENT: This is a debate; it is not a point of order. If a member wants to move a substantive motion regarding an answer of a minister to take it into account on the next day of meeting, that is the best –
Bev McArthur: I would like to move that the minister’s response be taken into account on the next day of sitting.
The PRESIDENT: That question needs to be put after the minister’s answer. But you have recourse for a substantive motion tomorrow if you would like.
Harriet Shing: On a point of order, President, I do have a request that is possibly a point of order or a request under the procedures of the house. I am just wondering, given this business case that was tabled on 19 August, whether I need to table all of the appendices or just the two volumes that I have here that I brought in.
Nick McGowan interjected.
The PRESIDENT: I can help here. I think Mr McGowan was pointing at one particular document at the time. Minister, you agreed to the one that –
Harriet Shing: Just the one?
Nick McGowan interjected.
The PRESIDENT: I do not think anyone needs my guidance at this point.