Tuesday, 4 March 2025
Members statements
Planning policy
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Planning policy
Richard WELCH (North-Eastern Metropolitan) (13:36): It is not just a backyard; it is a clothesline, vegetable bed, flowerbed, kicking the footy, a work shed, a pottery shed, learning to ride, friends over for a barbecue, gardening while listening to the footy, climbing a tree, a cubby hut, lemons from the tree, backyard cricket, family gatherings, working on your motorbike, a sandpit, a swing, playing for 10 minutes before dinner, the pool, hide-and-seek, learning to plant, a quiet minute after a stressful day, your own piece of sky, playing in the sprinkler, taking speccies, a tennis ball against the wall, watching the seasons, back step conversations, a chook shed, Mum’s herb patch, watching birds, sitting around a table, preparing the salami, siblings playing unattended, having school friends over and hanging out, the basketball hoop, backyard gymnastics, a big 18th birthday bash, re-enacting the Olympics, learning to use a saw, a trampoline, the first walk in fresh air after an illness, backyard camping, learning how to find the Southern Cross, learning how not to be afraid of the dark – the list goes on for another 5 minutes. It is not just a backyard; it is the most effective health, educational, self-esteem, social equity, family, ecological technology ever created. The Labor housing plan excludes them all. We will desperately regret it. Save our backyards.