Tuesday, 4 March 2025
Constituency questions
North-Eastern Metropolitan Region
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North-Eastern Metropolitan Region
Aiv PUGLIELLI (North-Eastern Metropolitan) (13:04): My question today is to the Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop, and it relates to non-disclosure agreements that your government is engaging in with people in relation to this mega transport project. Last time I raised a similar matter with regard to the North East Link; this time it is around businesses, charities and schools around the SRL construction. I understand almost $3 million in SRL grants have been distributed with contract conditions that force recipients not to criticise the Suburban Rail Loop or the Victorian government. Residents and businesses in Box Hill and all along SRL East are facing huge disruptions to their roads, their fenced-off parks, and the list goes on. These communities need to be able to voice their concerns in relation to the project or the government. Minister, how can organisations who have received this grant funding raise legitimate concerns that they have with the project without fear that their funding will be withdrawn?