Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Members statements

In a Heartbeat


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In a Heartbeat

Georgie CROZIER (Southern Metropolitan) (13:44): I would like to acknowledge the work of Rachel Cassidy, who has written the book In a Heartbeat. I attended the launch of the book at the heart hospital – and what an apt venue to be able to launch such a book. In attendance at the launch was a line-up of medical experts, including cardiologists, surgeons, researchers, dentists, paramedics, nurses, together with some well-known faces who have suffered a heart attack or heart condition telling of their own experiences. Rachel shared her story and her own experience after having a heart attack, how she was going about her normal routine and started to feel very unwell. She described how lucky she was that her son just happened to be in the area. For her it was an eye-opening experience and was the catalyst for her to write her story, and in doing so she contacted others so that they too could share their own stories and experiences – all very different but potentially catastrophic. Rachel considered herself to be fit and well, not overweight, and she exercised daily, but after her heart attack she realised just how little she knew about heart health. Through her own experience and that of others she gained considerable knowledge about heart health issues and the need for further public awareness.

That was her aim: to provide information and education on heart health. The book shares the inspiring stories of heart attack survivors and provides information for survivors and their families to be able to access the support and resources required to help in maintaining a fulfilling life. The detailed and comprehensive approach that Rachel has taken to share not only her experiences but those of others and to provide the information and education in such a meaningful way is to be commended. I would like to congratulate Rachel on writing the book so that others can be informed on the issues around heart health and know of the considerable support that is available.