Tuesday, 4 March 2025
Constituency questions
Eastern Victoria Region
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Eastern Victoria Region
Melina BATH (Eastern Victoria) (12:59): My question is to the Minister for Police. It relates to the alarming rise in antisocial, dangerous behaviour fuelled by alcohol and drug dependence and mental health issues in the Latrobe Valley. Many constituents do not feel safe walking to the shops. Last week I spoke with frustrated business owners after an alleged stabbing in the Morwell CBD, where streets were cordoned off, shops were shut and shoppers were left highly distressed, while in Warragul two men were airlifted to Melbourne hospitals after two separate stabbings.
Aggravated burglaries have increased by 200 per cent in the last decade under Labor in the Gippsland and Cardinia region. The backbone of our towns, our local traders, highlight that more police are required along with more PSOs in Central Gippsland and more supports for addiction and poor mental health. Minister, I ask: will you combat the increasing crime, including knifings, in Central Gippsland and in my Eastern Victoria electorate?