Tuesday, 4 March 2025
Constituency questions
Southern Metropolitan Region
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Southern Metropolitan Region
Georgie CROZIER (Southern Metropolitan) (13:05): My question is to the Minister for Planning, and it is in relation to the government’s plans around their activity centres. I note that these activity centres that they are imposing on Melbourne were never taken to the last state election and the community is very much in the dark around what is happening. Last week the government announced more locations for the new planning controls for activity centres, including around Willison and Riversdale stations in Camberwell in my electorate. Effie, a concerned constituent, rang my office yesterday worried about the planning changes and what they will mean to the quiet residential area that includes parkland in Frog Hollow Reserve and Willison Park, which are both enjoyed by the local community. My question to the minister is: how much parkland will these local residents lose to make way for the high-density development that will be imposed on this area by the government?