Thursday, 20 March 2025

Members statements

Supermarket prices


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Supermarket prices

Aiv PUGLIELLI (North-Eastern Metropolitan) (09:46): The price of Danish feta is wild. We all remember the baked feta pasta from lockdown days, yes? I mean, how could you miss it back then. The way Woolworths continues to price gouge us, we might have to leave that tasty treat as a memory. I do not want to start any sort of culture war here, but in my personal opinion Danish feta is the best feta. The only bad thing is that it is almost $20 a kilo. I swear, before the 2020s, it used to be around 8 bucks. It went to $12 a while back. They then bumped it up to $16, with their regular specials bringing the price back down. But much to my shock and horror, when I went to purchase my trusty Danish cheese last weekend, it is now $19.50 a kilo. After sitting at the inflated $16.50 for a long time, it jumped almost 20 per cent just last week. I mean, what is next – $25 a kilo? Do I have to say goodbye to my Greek salads? Is that what it has come to? Governments tell us repeatedly that inflation is easing off. Well, someone had better tell them to get a room with Woolworths, sit down and get their story straight, because they continue to jack up the prices and it sucks.